Rebel Roofing ACT

The Ultimate Guide to Painting Roof Tiles

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To own a house comes with alot of maintenance hassles. Painting roof tiles is one of them, but before you start it’s better to look into some of the impotant factors. This guide will help you determine what factors to consider before investing in the paint for your roof. We will discuss in detail factors like roof current situation, and weather conditions.

Why should you paint roof tiles?

A freshly painted roof tile can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your home. This helps to appeal the potential buyers and tenants. It also increase the overall resale value of the property.

A well-maintained roof with a uniform coat of paint creates a clean and polished look, instantly boosting your home’s curb appeal. If you choose a good quality paint then it also prevent your roof from damage.

High-quality roof paint can offer some level of protection to certain tile materials. It can create a water-repellent layer that helps prevent moisture damage and may extend the lifespan of your roof.


Remember that painting your roof tiles might seem like a quick fix, it can mask underlying issues. A fresh coat could be hiding laekages, leading to bigger problems down the road. Additionally, painting your roof could void any existing warranties you have on the tiles or the entire roof system. 

Before painting your roof keep in mind that all types of roof tiles are not  suitable for painting. Terracotta or glazed tiles, for example, may not hold paint well and could lead to a patchy or peeling finish.

Is it necessary to repair gutters while painting roof tiles?

Gutter Replacement is not essential while painting roof tiles. However, We recommend repairing it because functioning gutters makes the job smoother and helps in identifing other roofing problems. 

  • Improved Efficiency: When painting roof tiles dust and debris fall from the roof. Functional gutters channeled the flaking paint away from your house foundation. Clogged or damaged gutters could overflow during this process.
  • Access and Visibility: Workers might need to walk on the roof and possibly take off some gutters to get a better view for painting. If the gutters are already fixed, it makes the job go smoother with fewer delays.
  • Identifying Underlying Issues: Removing gutters can sometimes reveal problems with the fascia board (the board supporting the gutters) or soffit (the underside of the roof overhang). Addressing these issues before painting ensures a more comprehensive roof maintenance project.

How long roof tiles paint last?

A fresh coat of paint on your roof tiles can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, depending on several factors: 

  • Paint Quality: High-quality, elastomeric roof paint specifically designed for tiles will naturally outperform lower-grade options.
  • Sun Exposure: Roofs exposed to intense sunlight for extended periods will experience faster paint degradation.
  • Weather Conditions: Areas with harsh weather like frequent rain, hail, or strong winds can take a toll on the paint’s lifespan.
  • Surface Preparation: Proper cleaning and prepping the roof tiles before painting ensures better paint adhesion and longevity.

What is the best paint for roof tiles in Australia?

To find the “absolute best” paint for roof tiles in Australia can be tricky  as there are various factors to consider based on your specific roof and priorities.

However, here are some of the popular and well-regarded choices for tiled roofs in Australia:

  • Water-Based Acrylic Paints: These are generally the most recommended type for tiled roofs in Australia. They offer good flexibility to handle temperature fluctuations, resist fading and chalking from harsh sunlight, and come in a wide range of colors. 

Popular brands include:

    • Dulux AcraTex Roof Membrane 
    • Wattyl Solagard Low Sheen Roof Paint
  • Elastomeric Coatings: These offer even greater flexibility than acrylic paints, making them ideal for roofs that experience significant temperature changes. They also boast excellent waterproofing properties. However, they can be more expensive than standard acrylic paints.

Here are some additional tips for choosing roof tile paint in Australia:

  • Research Compatibility: Make sure the paint you choose is specifically designed for the type of tiles you have (e.g., terracotta, concrete).
  • Consider Climate: Opt for paints with high UV resistance and good water-repellent qualities for the Australian climate.
  • Warranty: Look for paints with a long warranty offered by reputable brands.
  • Seek Professional Advice: Consulting a qualified roofer can help you determine the best paint for your roof.

How to paint your roof tiles?

A fresh coat of paint on your roof tiles can breathe new life into your home’s exterior, boosting curb appeal and potentially increasing its value. But before you grab your roller and brushes, some essential steps ensure a successful and long-lasting paint job.

Clean Your Roof

Start by clearing away any leaves, branches, or dirt accumulated on the roof. A good leaf blower can make this task easier. For a deeper clean, consider pressure washing the roof. This removes stubborn dirt, mold, and mildew that could affect paint adhesion. Be sure to use a low-pressure setting to avoid damaging the tiles.

After cleaning, give the roof a final rinse with a garden hose to remove any cleaning residue. Allow the tiles to dry completely before proceeding, ideally for at least 24-48 hours in good weather.

Evaluate the Condition of Your Roof

A clean roof allows you to properly assess its condition. Look for any damaged, cracked, or loose tiles. These need to be repaired or replaced before painting to prevent further problems and ensure a flawless finish.

Repair Any Roof Damage

If you discover any leaks, address them promptly to prevent further water damage. Seal the vents, chimneys, and skylight.  If you think you are not an expert, consult a professional roofer to repair your roof. For damaged tiles, carefully remove them and replace them with matching tiles. Ensure proper flashing and underlayment are installed around the new tile.

Apply One Coat of Primer

A primer acts as a bridge between the tiles and the paint, ensuring better adhesion and a longer-lasting finish. Choose a high-quality primer specifically designed for roof tiles. Apply a thin, even coat following the manufacturer’s instructions. Allow the primer to dry completely before proceeding.

Apply Multiple Coats of Paint

Apply two or three thin coats of paint for maximum coverage and longevity. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next. This drying time can vary depending on the weather conditions and paint type, so always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

However, Painting roof tiles is not as easy as it sound so it’s better to consult a professional roofer fo painting roof tiles.

Is it possible to paint concrete roof tiles?

Painting concrete tiles is not a slap-dash project. Just like any painting job, you need a clean and solid base. Fix any cracks, leaks, or loose tiles before you grab the paintbrush. Remember, paint can hide problems, so dealing with these issues upfront is key.

Before you get started, see if your roof has a warranty. Painting it might terminate it. Finally, choose high-quality elastomeric paint specifically made for concrete tiles. These paints are more flexible and weather-resistant, and enhance the life of your tiles.

Why should you always hire a professional to paint roof tiles?

While the idea of holding a paintbrush and giving your roof tiles a makeover yourself might be tempting, it’s always better to hire a professional roof tiles painter. Safety is the most impotant factor while working on a roof.


Professionals come equipped with the experience and safety gear to minimize the chance of falls and injuries.

Professionals assess your roof’s condition, selecting the most suitable paints and primers for a flawless, long-lasting finish. This saves you time, effort, and potentially wasted materials.


An experienced roofer also has a keen eye for hidden problems – damaged tiles, leaks, or poor ventilation – which they can address before painting, preventing future issues and saving you from costly repairs down the road.


Professionals also offer warranties on their work, providing peace of mind. While the initial cost might seem higher, hiring a professional roof painter can be a wise investment. They can prevent costly mistakes and repairs, saving you money in the long run. They’ll also take care of the cleanup, leaving you with a beautiful new roof without the hassle.


Painting roof tiles gives yours house a fresh look, but it requires planning as experience. Before you start the process, ou must have to analyze the current condition of your roof and properly check the damage area. Make sure the gutters are not clogged, to prevent delays. 


Using high-quality paint designed for roof tiles is a must, and proper surface preparation is key to a long-lasting finish. This involves cleaning, applying primer, and ensuring your roof is in good shape. It’s also important to consider your local weather conditions, as harsh climates can impact how long the paint lasts.


In short, painting your roof tiles can be a great way to refresh your home’s appearance, but it’s best to approach it with careful planning and professional help when needed. If done right, it can protect your roof and add value to your property for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The best paint for roof tiles depends on the type of tiles, climate, and your specific needs. Generally, water-based acrylic paints are popular for their flexibility and durability. Elastomeric coatings are another excellent choice, offering greater flexibility and waterproofing properties. In Australia, well-regarded brands for roof tiles include Dulux AcraTex Roof Membrane and Wattyl Solagard Low Sheen Roof Paint. When choosing a paint, ensure it’s specifically designed for your roof tile type, such as concrete or terracotta. Look for paints with UV resistance and a good warranty, and consult with a professional roofer for guidance.

Painting roof tiles can be a good idea if you’re looking to improve curb appeal or protect your roof from weather damage. It can add a fresh look to your home and potentially increase property value. Additionally, high-quality roof paint can provide a protective layer that helps prevent moisture damage and extends the lifespan of the tiles. However, painting roof tiles can also hide underlying issues like leaks or damage, so it’s important to address these problems before painting. Some roof tiles, like terracotta or glazed tiles, may not be suitable for painting, leading to a patchy or peeling finish.

The longest-lasting roof paint is typically an elastomeric coating, known for its flexibility, waterproofing, and durability. These coatings can withstand significant temperature fluctuations and resist cracking or peeling. High-quality acrylic paints designed for roof tiles are also durable, offering good UV resistance and a long-lasting finish. Brands like Dulux and Wattyl are known for their robust roof paints that can last for many years with proper application and maintenance. When choosing a long-lasting roof paint, look for those with a strong track record, a good warranty, and recommendations from roofing professionals.

To achieve a durable and even finish on roof tiles, you should apply at least two to three coats of paint. Begin with a high-quality primer to ensure proper adhesion, then follow with two or more thin coats of roof paint. Make sure each coat is allowed to dry completely before applying the next. The exact number of coats may depend on the paint type, weather conditions, and roof tile material. Applying multiple thin coats generally results in a more durable and even finish compared to one thick coat.

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Ready to discuss your Roofing needs? Reach out to Rebel Roofing ACT today. Our friendly team is here to answer questions, address concerns, and ensure your Canberra home gets the top-notch service it deserves.